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One final word: I don’t have the time to go over these and edit them, and I’m sure that if I taught the same material today I would explain it differently. So if anything requires more clarification, please feel free to write. And if I made any errors, please forgive me. “A person does not stand on the words of Torah without stumbling in them first.” And please overlook anything that I said which causes offense or might be misconstrued as insulting to anyone, in any way.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ein Yaakov--Berachos

Berachos 14a : Greeting another person before you've prayed in the morning
Berachos 15a : The spiritual significance of going to the bathroom before praying in the morning
Berachos 15b : The centrality of faith in Techiyas Hameisim
Berachos 16b : The four worlds of prayer and adding extra prayers after Shemonah Esrei
Berachos 17a : More "after prayers"
Berachos 17b: The Dead #1
Berachos 18a: The Dead #2
Berachos 18b: The Dead #3
Berachos 19a: Cases of Nidui
Berachos 19a: Tanuro Shel Achnai
Berachos 19a-20a: Kavod Habriyos and Kiddush Hashem
Berachos 20a: Kiddush Hashem and Modesty
Berachos 20b: Women and Positive Time-Bound Mitzvos 1 (Tallis)
Berachos 20b: Women and Positive Time-Bound Mitzvos 2 (Tefillin)
Berachos 20b: Women and Positive Time-Bound Mitzvos 3
Berachos 24b: Tefillah Aloud
Berachos 24b: Tznius 1
Berachos 24b: Tznius 2 (Rav Henkin's article from Tradition)
Berachos 24b: Tznius 3 Hair (plus Lag b'Omer)
Berachos 25-26: Sifrei Kodesh, 3 Prayers
Berachos 27b: Revolution in the Mesivta 1
Berachos 28a: Revolution in the Mesivta 2
Berachos 28a-b: Rebbi Zeira Stands for the Wise
Berachos 28b: Last Blessings
Berachos 28b-29a: Nineteen Blessings
Berachos 30a: Directing One's Prayer
Berachos 30b: The Power of the Tzibur
Berachos 30b: Torah and Tefillah
Berachos 31a: Mitzvah Joy
Berachos 31a: Prayer and Halachah
Berachos 31a: Prayer Practices
Berachos 31a: Tefillas Chanah 1
Berachos 31b: Tefillas Chanah 2
Berachos 31b: Tefillas Chanah 3
Berachos 31b-32a: Power Tefillos of the Tzaddikim 1
Berachos 32a: Power Tefillos of the Tzaddikim 2
Berachos 32a: The Prayer of Moshe Rabbeinu after the Egel
Berachos 32b: The Relative Merit of Different Actions
Berachos 32b: Persistence in Prayer
Berachos 32b: Selective Memory [For your interest, a good article on the vastness of the galaxy relevant to today's class. Thanks, Ora!]
Berachos 32b: Meditation before and after Prayer
Berachos 33a: Snakes and Scorpions and Prayer
Berachos 33a: Da'as and the Mikdash and Vengeance
Berachos 33b: The Mercy of G-d and the Nature of Mitzvah 1 (just the first hour of the recording)
Berachos 33b: The Mercy of G-d and the Nature of Mitzvah 2
Berachos 33b: The Treasury of G-d
Berachos 34a: Being Called Upon to Pray
Berachos 34b: Bowing in Prayer and the Flow of Prayer
Berachos 34b: Baalei Teshuvah and Tzaddikim
Berachos 34b: Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa's Prayer
Berachos 35a-b: The Concept of a Berachah
Berachos 35b: The Difference between Earlier Generations and Later Ones
Berachos 37a: Rice and Pottage and HaMotzi
Berachos 39a: Differences in Opinions about Berachos
Berachos 40a: The Fruits of the Eitz HaDa'as
Berachos 40b: The Sages and Blessings
Berachos 42b: Uniting for Bircat HaMazon
Berachos 43b: Your Sense of Smell
Berachos 43b: The Public Sphere 1
Berachos 43b-44a: The Public Sphere 2
Berachos 44a-46: The Greatness of Eretz Yisrael and Advice of the Sages 1
Berachos 47a: Amen
Berachos 47b: Kutim and Amei Ha'aretz
Berachos 47b-48a: Inclusion in a Zimun
Berachos 48a: King Yannai and the Sages
Berachos 48b: The Blessings of Bircas HaMazon
Berachos 48b-50: A Review of Tzom Gedalia and The Gift of Torah
Berachos 49b: Invoking for Bircas Hamazon
Berachos 50a: Nuances of the Zimun
Berachos 50a-b: Nuances of the Zimun 2
Berachos 50b: Respect for Food
Berachos 51b: Yalta and the Kos Shel Brachah; 53b Going back to Bentsch a
Berachos 53b: Going back to Bentsch b--Mitzvos like Gold
Berachos 53b-54a: The Amen of Children, and Responding to Wonders 1
Berachos 54a: Blessing the Good and the Bad
Berachos 54a: The "Wasted" Prayer
Berachos 54a: Visiting the Mikdash
Berachos 54a: Greeting a Friend with the Name
Berachos 54a: Og the Giant
Berachos 54a: Moshe's Hands
Berachos 54b: Blessing HaGomel
Berachos 54b: Lengthening One's Days
Berachos 55a: Shortening One's Days
Berachos 55a: Betzalel's Wisdom (end is Purim 5777a)
Berachos 55a: Dreams 1
Berachos 55a-b: Dreams 2
Berachos 55b: Dreams 3
Berachos 55b: Dreams 4
Berachos 56a: Bar Hedya and the Dreams 1
Berachos 56a: Bar Hedya and the Dreams 2
Berachos 56b: Rabbi Yochanan and the Tzdoki
Berachos 56b: Dream Symbols
Berachos 56b: Dream Symbols 2
Berachos 57a: The Torah Pond and Forest
Berachos 57a: Dreaming Shema and Similarities
Berachos 57b: Sixtieths of...

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