Welcome, Ladies!

If you found your way here by search engine, or through a friend, or by the random-seeming workings of Providence, I have a request...
If you're enjoying the classes, please write to me and introduce yourself so that I can put you on the mailing list. You'll get weekly updates of new classes that have been posted, and you'll get notices about events: mini-retreats for women in Israel, our longer journeys to Uman, and other surprises.
Feel free to write with questions too; I like to hear from students even if I've never met them face to face.

One final word: I don’t have the time to go over these and edit them, and I’m sure that if I taught the same material today I would explain it differently. So if anything requires more clarification, please feel free to write. And if I made any errors, please forgive me. “A person does not stand on the words of Torah without stumbling in them first.” And please overlook anything that I said which causes offense or might be misconstrued as insulting to anyone, in any way.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Inyanei D'Yoma--Sacred Time

Pesach 1 (in two parts) (This is a zip file)
Pesach 1a
Pesach 1b
Pesach 2
Pesach 3
Pesach 5770
Sefirah 1
Sefirah 2
Sefirah 3
Sefirah 5770, Part 1
Sefirah 5770, Part 2
Sefirah 5770, Part 3
Lag B'Omer 1
Lag B'Omer 5770
The Greatness of Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Elazar
Shavuos 1
Shavuos 2
Shavuos 5773
Tu b'Av

Elul 1, Likutei Moharan II:82
Elul 2, Likutei Moharan II:82, continued.
Rosh Hashanah 5775 LM I:61:7 (Ohr Tzaddikim Yismach)
Yom Hakippurim
Kislev 5770
Chanukah 5775 -- Days of Thanks [Likutei Moharan II:2]
Chanukah--Likutei Halachos Hashkamas Haboker 4
Tu b'Shevat 5775 -- New Year of the Tree
Tu b'Shevat 5775 -- Pe'er and Holy Yearning
Tu b'Shevat 5776 -- Likutei Moharan II:48 Centurion Tree--Hang In There!
Purim 5774--Likutei Halachos
Purim 5775 -- Maseches Megillah 10-12 [Disclaimer: I was fasting and so I might sound a little droopy here and there.]
Purim 5775 -- "And Now..." Simchah Shel Mitzvah text

Rosh Hashanah Machzor 1 (5775)
Rosh Hashanah Machzor 2 (5775)
Rosh Hashanah Machzor 3 (5775)
Inyan Shofar (5775)
Yom Kippur Seder Ha'avodah--continued from Berachos 30b class

"Simcha for Non-Chassidim"--a seminary class on the need for simchah in avodas Hashem Text
Purim 5776--Lessons from the Komarna Rebbe followed by Tehillim 22
Pesach 5776 Azamra on the Seder (Darchei Noam)
Lag b'Omer 5776
Shavuos 5776
Eichah Review--Nine Days 5776
Elul 1 5776 ELC LM I:6a    Text
Elul 2 5776 ELC LM I:6b and LM I:105   Text
Rosh Hashanah 1 5776 ELC LM I:4 Malchuyot
Rosh Hashanah 2a 5776 ELC Zichronos and Shofros (interrupted but continues with next segment)
Rosh Hashanah 2b 5776 ELC Zichronos and Shofros (about 10 minutes, the end of the class)
Chanukah 5777 Yimei Hoda'ah
Purim 5777a (end of recording)
Purim 5777b

Women's Mitzvos

Challah 1.1
Challah 1.2
Challah 2.1
Challah 3
Challah 4.1
Challah 4.2
Challah 4.3
Shiurim on Taharas Hamishpachah (incomplete)
Niddah 1.3
Niddah 1.4
Niddah 1.5
Niddah 1.6
Niddah 2.1
Niddah 2.2
Niddah 5.1
Mikvaos 1.1
Even Ha'Ezer, 3rd class

Special Events

Shiur for shloshim in Telzstone: The Soul Mechanics of Honoring Parents
The Greatness of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and Rabbi Elazar His Son

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rashi Seminar

Parshas Ha'azinu 32.2-4
Toldos 5775
Vayeitzei 5775
Vayishlach 5775
Vayeishev 5775
Mikeitz 5775
Vayechi 5775
Bo 5775
Beshalach 5775
Yisro 5775
Mishpatim 5775
Terumah 5775 [Two corrections: When asked about v'shachanti b'socham, I left out the straightforward pshat which is why Rashi doesn't comment--Targum renders it as beineihon, which means "among them"--the mishkan is literally among the Jewish people, at the center of the camp. The other is that I said Bamidbar and I meant Parshas Pikudei.]
Tetzave 5775
Ki Tisa 5775
Vayakhel-Pikudei 5775 [Correction: The kumaz ornament is not worn externally, as a girdle upon the clothing, but internally on the genitals (See Berachos 24a).]
Vayikra 5775
Tazria-Metzora 5775
Acharei Mos-Kedoshim 5775
Emor 5775 [Correction: Chalal status is only for the offspring of forbidden unions.]
Behar 5775
Bamidbar 5775
Naso 5775
Behaalosecha 5775

Rebbe Nachman's Stories

The Cripple, lesson #1
The Exchanged Children #1
[Very incomplete series.]

New Series

The Lost Princess #1
The Lost Princess #2
The Lost Princess #3
The Lost Princess #4 plus discussion

[The King and the Emperor was eventually done between stories 9 and 10 for specific reasons. It might be helpful to learn it in closer proximity to The Burgher and the Pauper, since certain themes are similar.]

The Cripple #1 [Second time around. Includes a short explanation of why we aren't learning The King and the Emperor, which is story #2.]
The Cripple #2
The Cripple #3
The Cripple #4
The Cripple #5
The Cripple #6

Bull and Ram #1
Bull and Ram #2
Bull and Ram #3
Bull and Ram #4
Bull and Ram #5

Prince of Gems #1 
Prince of Gems #2
Prince of Gems #3
Prince of Gems #4

The Humble King #1
The Humble King #2
The Humble King #3

The Fly and the Spider #1
The Fly and the Spider #2
The Fly and the Spider #3
The Fly and the Spider #4
The Fly and the Spider #5

The Rabbi's Son #1
The Rabbi's Son #2
The Rabbi's Son #3

The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #1
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #2
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #3
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #4
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #5
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #6
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #7
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #8
The Sophisticate and the Simpleton #9

The King and the Emperor #1 (yes, we did backtrack to the second story)
The King and the Emperor #2
The King and the Emperor #3
The King and the Emperor #4
The King and the Emperor #5
The King and the Emperor #6

The Burgher and the Pauper #1
The Burgher and the Pauper #2
The Burgher and the Pauper #3
The Burgher and the Pauper #4
The Burgher and the Pauper #5
The Burgher and the Pauper #6
The Burgher and the Pauper #7
The Burgher and the Pauper #8
The Burgher and the Pauper #9
The Burgher and the Pauper #10
The Burgher and the Pauper #11
The Burgher and the Pauper #12
The Burgher and the Pauper #13

Audio Files of the Exchanged Children by BRI (with music, really great narration)
Text of Story in English with Rabbi Kaplan's notes

The Exchanged Children #1
The Exchanged Children #2
The Exchanged Children #3
The Exchanged Children #4
The Exchanged Children #5
The Exchanged Children #6
The Exchanged Children #7
The Exchanged Children #8
The Exchanged Children #9
The Exchanged Children #10
The Exchanged Children #11
The Exchanged Children #12
The Exchanged Children #13

The Master of Prayer 1
The Master of Prayer 2
The Master of Prayer 3
The Master of Prayer 4
The Master of Prayer 5
The Master of Prayer 6
The Master of Prayer 7
The Master of Prayer 8
The Master of Prayer 9
The Master of Prayer 10
The Master of Prayer 11
The Master of Prayer 12

Shir HaShirim Shiurim

Shir HaShirim 1.0 (Introduction)
Shir HaShirim 1.1-3
Shir HaShirim 1.4-5
Shir HaShirim 1.5-6
Shir HaShirim 1.7-8
Shir HaShirim 1.10
Shir HaShirim 1.12-13
Shir HaShirim 2.8-9
Shir HaShirim 2.10-11
Shir HaShirim 2.14-15
Shir HaShirim 2.15-16
Shir HaShirim 2.16-end
Shir HaShirim 3.1-3
Shir HaShirim 3.9-11
Shir HaShirim 4.6-8
Shir HaShirim 4.9-11 (Ignore the shorter, second file. Just listen to the first one.)
Shir HaShirim 4.12-14
Shir HaShirim 4.15-16

Likutei Moharan Lessons

Likutei Moharan I:1.1
Likutei Moharan I:1.2
Likutei Moharan I:2b
Likutei Moharan I:72 : Hane'elavim--emarassment as a part of spiritual growth
Likutei Moharan II:2 : Chanukah

Sichos HaRan Series

Sichos HaRan #1
Sichos HaRan #2-3
Sichos HaRan #4
Sichos HaRan #5a
Sichos HaRan #7-8
Sichos HaRan #15
Sichos HaRan #16
Sichos HaRan #17-19
Sichos HaRan 20b
Sichos HaRan 21-22