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One final word: I don’t have the time to go over these and edit them, and I’m sure that if I taught the same material today I would explain it differently. So if anything requires more clarification, please feel free to write. And if I made any errors, please forgive me. “A person does not stand on the words of Torah without stumbling in them first.” And please overlook anything that I said which causes offense or might be misconstrued as insulting to anyone, in any way.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jewish History

History of the Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael (Incomplete)

Kol HaTor--Spiritual Foundations of the Gaon's Students' Aliyah
Early Political Zionism 1
Early Political Zionism 2
The Three Oaths
WWI and Balfour Declaration
British Mandate #1 White Papers
British Mandate #2
British Mandate #3
Partition Plan #1
Partition Plan #2
WWII and the Yishuv
Israeli Military Involvements and Contemporary Issues

Ein Yaakov--Berachos

Berachos 14a : Greeting another person before you've prayed in the morning
Berachos 15a : The spiritual significance of going to the bathroom before praying in the morning
Berachos 15b : The centrality of faith in Techiyas Hameisim
Berachos 16b : The four worlds of prayer and adding extra prayers after Shemonah Esrei
Berachos 17a : More "after prayers"
Berachos 17b: The Dead #1
Berachos 18a: The Dead #2
Berachos 18b: The Dead #3
Berachos 19a: Cases of Nidui
Berachos 19a: Tanuro Shel Achnai
Berachos 19a-20a: Kavod Habriyos and Kiddush Hashem
Berachos 20a: Kiddush Hashem and Modesty
Berachos 20b: Women and Positive Time-Bound Mitzvos 1 (Tallis)
Berachos 20b: Women and Positive Time-Bound Mitzvos 2 (Tefillin)
Berachos 20b: Women and Positive Time-Bound Mitzvos 3
Berachos 24b: Tefillah Aloud
Berachos 24b: Tznius 1
Berachos 24b: Tznius 2 (Rav Henkin's article from Tradition)
Berachos 24b: Tznius 3 Hair (plus Lag b'Omer)
Berachos 25-26: Sifrei Kodesh, 3 Prayers
Berachos 27b: Revolution in the Mesivta 1
Berachos 28a: Revolution in the Mesivta 2
Berachos 28a-b: Rebbi Zeira Stands for the Wise
Berachos 28b: Last Blessings
Berachos 28b-29a: Nineteen Blessings
Berachos 30a: Directing One's Prayer
Berachos 30b: The Power of the Tzibur
Berachos 30b: Torah and Tefillah
Berachos 31a: Mitzvah Joy
Berachos 31a: Prayer and Halachah
Berachos 31a: Prayer Practices
Berachos 31a: Tefillas Chanah 1
Berachos 31b: Tefillas Chanah 2
Berachos 31b: Tefillas Chanah 3
Berachos 31b-32a: Power Tefillos of the Tzaddikim 1
Berachos 32a: Power Tefillos of the Tzaddikim 2
Berachos 32a: The Prayer of Moshe Rabbeinu after the Egel
Berachos 32b: The Relative Merit of Different Actions
Berachos 32b: Persistence in Prayer
Berachos 32b: Selective Memory [For your interest, a good article on the vastness of the galaxy relevant to today's class. Thanks, Ora!]
Berachos 32b: Meditation before and after Prayer
Berachos 33a: Snakes and Scorpions and Prayer
Berachos 33a: Da'as and the Mikdash and Vengeance
Berachos 33b: The Mercy of G-d and the Nature of Mitzvah 1 (just the first hour of the recording)
Berachos 33b: The Mercy of G-d and the Nature of Mitzvah 2
Berachos 33b: The Treasury of G-d
Berachos 34a: Being Called Upon to Pray
Berachos 34b: Bowing in Prayer and the Flow of Prayer
Berachos 34b: Baalei Teshuvah and Tzaddikim
Berachos 34b: Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa's Prayer
Berachos 35a-b: The Concept of a Berachah
Berachos 35b: The Difference between Earlier Generations and Later Ones
Berachos 37a: Rice and Pottage and HaMotzi
Berachos 39a: Differences in Opinions about Berachos
Berachos 40a: The Fruits of the Eitz HaDa'as
Berachos 40b: The Sages and Blessings
Berachos 42b: Uniting for Bircat HaMazon
Berachos 43b: Your Sense of Smell
Berachos 43b: The Public Sphere 1
Berachos 43b-44a: The Public Sphere 2
Berachos 44a-46: The Greatness of Eretz Yisrael and Advice of the Sages 1
Berachos 47a: Amen
Berachos 47b: Kutim and Amei Ha'aretz
Berachos 47b-48a: Inclusion in a Zimun
Berachos 48a: King Yannai and the Sages
Berachos 48b: The Blessings of Bircas HaMazon
Berachos 48b-50: A Review of Tzom Gedalia and The Gift of Torah
Berachos 49b: Invoking for Bircas Hamazon
Berachos 50a: Nuances of the Zimun
Berachos 50a-b: Nuances of the Zimun 2
Berachos 50b: Respect for Food
Berachos 51b: Yalta and the Kos Shel Brachah; 53b Going back to Bentsch a
Berachos 53b: Going back to Bentsch b--Mitzvos like Gold
Berachos 53b-54a: The Amen of Children, and Responding to Wonders 1
Berachos 54a: Blessing the Good and the Bad
Berachos 54a: The "Wasted" Prayer
Berachos 54a: Visiting the Mikdash
Berachos 54a: Greeting a Friend with the Name
Berachos 54a: Og the Giant
Berachos 54a: Moshe's Hands
Berachos 54b: Blessing HaGomel
Berachos 54b: Lengthening One's Days
Berachos 55a: Shortening One's Days
Berachos 55a: Betzalel's Wisdom (end is Purim 5777a)
Berachos 55a: Dreams 1
Berachos 55a-b: Dreams 2
Berachos 55b: Dreams 3
Berachos 55b: Dreams 4
Berachos 56a: Bar Hedya and the Dreams 1
Berachos 56a: Bar Hedya and the Dreams 2
Berachos 56b: Rabbi Yochanan and the Tzdoki
Berachos 56b: Dream Symbols
Berachos 56b: Dream Symbols 2
Berachos 57a: The Torah Pond and Forest
Berachos 57a: Dreaming Shema and Similarities
Berachos 57b: Sixtieths of...