Recordings from the weekly Parshah class at the Emek Learning Center can be found here:
Devarim 5773 (Sfas Emes)
Ekev 5773 (Mei Hashiloach)
Purim 5774 (Likutei Halachos)
Lech Lecha 5775 (Mei Hashiloach)
Vayeira 5775 (Sfas Emes)
Chayei Sora 5775 (Noam Elimelech)
Toldos 5775 (Maggid of Mezeritch)
Vayeitzei 5775 (Degel Machaneh Efraim)
Vayishlach 5775 (Nesivos Shalom)
Vayeishev 5775 (Baal HaTanya--Torah Ohr)
Mikeitz 5775 (Bnei Yissaschar)
PDF files of texts for Parshios Chayei Sora-Mikeitz 5775 -- Download Here
Vayechi 5775 (Likutei Sichos) Text of Sichah
Shemos 5775 Shem Mishmuel Text
Va'eira 5775 Likutei Moharan and Likutei Halachos Text
Bo 5775 Shem Mishmuel Text
Beshalach 5775 Bnei Yissaschar Text
Yisro 5775 Likutei Moharan Text
Mishpatim 5775 Komarna Text
Terumah 5775 Toras Emes Text
Tetzave 5775 Degel Machaneh Efraim Text
Vayakhel Pikudei 5775 Toldos Yaakov Yosef on Parshas Parah Text
Vayikra - Parshas Hachodesh 5775 Eish Kodesh Text
Tzav - Shabbos Hagadol 5775 Shem Mishmuel Text
Acharei Mos-Kedoshim 5775 Sfas Emes Text
Emor 5775 Nesivos Shalom Text
Behar 5775 Nesivos Shalom
Bechukosai 5775 Nesivos Shalom Text
Bamidbar 5775 Likutei Halachos Text
Naso 5775 Rav Tzaddok
Behaalosecha 5775 Shem Mishmuel Text
Shlach 5775 Likutei Moharan Text
Korach 5775 Mei Hashiloach
Pinchas 5775 Likutei Halachos Text
Matos-Masai 5775 Mei Hashiloach Text
Devarim 5775 Likutei Moharan
Shoftim 5775 Likutei Halachos-Inyan Shofar
Ki Teitzei 5775 Shem MiShmuel
Nitzavim 5775 Likutei Halachos
Ha'azinu 5776 Sfas Emes--Yom HaKippurim
Noach 5776 Baal Shem Tov 1
Lech Lecha 5776 Baal Shem Tov 2
Vayeira 5776 Baal Shem Tov 3
Chayei Sara 5776 Baal Shem Tov 4
Toldos 5776 Maggid of Mezeritch 1
Vayeitzei 5776 Maggid of Mezeritch 2
Vayishlach 5776 Maggid of Mezeritch 3
Vayeishev 5776 Maggid of Mezeritch 4 (19th of Kislev)
Mikeietz 5776 Toldos Yaakov Yosef (plus chanukah party and singing)
Vayigash 5776 Toldos Yaakov Yosef
Shemos 5776 Noam Elimelech
Va'eira 5776 Noam Elimelech Text
Bo 5776 Noam Elimelech Text
Beshalach 5776 Reb Zusha 1 Text
Yisro 5776 Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev 1 Text
Mishpatim 5776 Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev 2 Text Lyrics of Song by Yom Tov Ehrlich Song
Terumah 5776 Kedushas Levi 3 Text
Tetzave 5776 Baal HaTanya Text
Ki Tisa 5776 Baal HaTanya Text
Vayakhel 5776 Rav Aharon HaGadol The Song "Ich" (the story I told) The Lyrics to "Ich" in Hebrew
Pikudei 5776 Rebbe Nachman of Breslov Text
Vayikra 5776 Rebbe Nachman of Breslov Text
Tzav 5776 Meor Einayim Text
Shemini 5776 Avodas Yisrael (Parshas Parah and Shabbos Mevorchin)
Parshas Hachodesh 5776 Chozeh of Lublin
Welcome, Ladies!
If you found your way here by search engine, or through a friend, or by the random-seeming workings of Providence, I have a request...
One final word: I don’t have the time to go over these and edit them, and I’m sure that if I taught the same material today I would explain it differently. So if anything requires more clarification, please feel free to write. And if I made any errors, please forgive me. “A person does not stand on the words of Torah without stumbling in them first.” And please overlook anything that I said which causes offense or might be misconstrued as insulting to anyone, in any way.
If you're enjoying the classes, please write to me and introduce yourself so that I can put you on the mailing list. You'll get weekly updates of new classes that have been posted, and you'll get notices about events: mini-retreats for women in Israel, our longer journeys to Uman, and other surprises.
Feel free to write with questions too; I like to hear from students even if I've never met them face to face.
One final word: I don’t have the time to go over these and edit them, and I’m sure that if I taught the same material today I would explain it differently. So if anything requires more clarification, please feel free to write. And if I made any errors, please forgive me. “A person does not stand on the words of Torah without stumbling in them first.” And please overlook anything that I said which causes offense or might be misconstrued as insulting to anyone, in any way.
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